Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tonight was kind of a weird day for a Saturday.  It all started out with a meeting at 9am, which was really productive in the results at work tonight.  There needs to be an html sarcasm tag.  We have Bold, Italic, Underline... sure would be nice to show sarcasm.  That's one thing that sucks about written communication, even via the internet, sarcasm somehow gets lost. I tend to be a very sarcastic person, and while I know its reffered to as the lowest form of wit, its the easiest and my favorite type of wit.  Wednesday at class, my teacher was taking our contact information and putting it in his phone, and when he saw that I had a 423 area code, he asked where I lived.  I replied that I lived in Athens, and he asked if I drove all the way here (45 minute drive to the campus).  I quickly retorted "beats the hell out of walking."  Rest of the class got a chuckle out of that one.   That's who I am though.  I'm a sarcastic jerk.  Sue me.

 However, I'm tired of being negative about my co-workers, and I'm moving more towards being apathetic about them.  I'm really hoping that something comes through and I can move on to a different field because sometimes I wonder how much more of this I can take.  I wish I would of started this program sooner than I did, so I would be closer to completing it, but at least I'm starting it now.  I don't need any motivation to keep getting good grades and getting closer to graduation, all I have to do is look at my diminishing list of runs and paltry tips to keep me moving.

I took a delivery earlier tonight to a factory, the customer paid for the order on a credit card.  The total was $23.40, and she wrote a $2.60 tip on there, and after adding it up she totaled it at $25.00.  I know what all you math majors out there are thinking, "Hey!  $23.40 and $2.60 doesn't equal $25.00!"  You would be correct in that assessment.  Since the amount on the total line is what gets entered into the computer, I ended up with only $1.60 tip.  Nothing like someone else's inability to carry a one in basic mathematics to cost you money.  At least it was only a dollar though, not  a huge deal to me, just funny.  Not funny ha-ha, mind you, more like look at the size of that forehead funny.

My last delivery of the night was quite wonderful too.  I don't know about you, but when I'm staying at a hotel and order a pizza for delivery, I like to turn the lights off, put in my headphones and listen to my ipod.  That way, when the delivery driver arrives with my food, he can knock 3 times on the door and I don't answer it.  Seriously people, when you order pizza, have a reasonable expectation that its going to be on its way in the near future.   While I'm at it, don't say "Whoizit" when I knock on the door.  Who do you think it is, you moron?  You called us, we didn't call you.

Well I'm gonna wrap this up on a positive note, with a picture I took a couple weeks back.  As I was leaving for work one day, I noticed a doe in the tall grass near the house.  I ended up taking her picture with my cell phone:

I don't know how well you can see it, but if you look to the right of the tree, just left of the pole in the distance, you can see her in the tall grass. 

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